April 12, 2021
At Covid level 1, we are still offering phone consultations as well as face-to-face consultations. You can either book online or call us on to book an appointment. If during your phone consult Doctor feels you need to be examined you will be asked to come into the practice accordingly. Please note same consultation fee applies for phone consultations.
If you have ANY of the following symptoms: new or worsening cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, sneezing or runny nose, loss of smell, diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches or lethargy YOU MUST CALL US BEFORE COMING IN TO BOOK FOR A COVID SWAB (park in the garage, ring reception to say you have arrived and wait in the car for staff member to come down to do your Covid swab, wear a mask).
We are also doing pre-travel Covid swabs for asymptomatic patients. Please note that you will need to have paid $250 online (bank account number ANZ 06-0273-0751838-00) prior to having your swab done. Ring reception to book an appointment.
For COVID health advice, you can also contact Healthline team on 0800 358 5453.