Patient fees as of 1st July 2024

We are a Southern Cross Easy Claim provider, please click here to find out more.

First visit after you enrol is charged at the initial consultation rate.   This is both due to funding taking 1 month to commence and initial consultation requiring a 30 minute appointment.


Enrolled & Funded CSC Card Not Funded
Child 0-5 years Free Free $60
Child 6-13 years Free Free $100
Child 14-17 years $60 $13.50 $110
Adult 18-64 years $75 $19.50 $140
Adult 65+ years $65 $19.50 $140
Initial Consult 16-13 years $100 $100 N/A
Initial Consult 14-17 years $110 $100 N/A
Initial Consult 18+ years $135 $100 N/A
ACC 0-13 years Free Free N/A
ACC 14-17 years $55 $19.50 N/A
ACC 18+ years $65 $19.50 N/A
Fee Fee
Nurse Consult $50 Minor Surgery $350+
BP Check $25 Home Visit $300
Ear Syringe (per ear) $55 Prescriptions $35
Cervical Smear/HPV Swab $50 Prescription same day additional $5
ECG $70 Prescription (under 14 yrs) $20
Referral $35 Medical Certs $35
Lab form (outside consultation) $35 Liquid Nitrogen $35+
24hour BP Monitoring ($250 refundable deposit + $100 fee) $350
Fee Fee
Boostrix $75 Pneumovax $150
Hep B $75 Twinrix Adult $130
Hep A Junior $75 Twinrix Junior $75
Hep A Adult $130 Shingrix $350
Polio IPV/IPOL $100 Bexsero $180
Vivaxim $250 Flu (self funded) $45
Steroid injection $90 Typhoid $90
MenQuadfi $180
  • Payments are to be made on the day of the appointment
  • If payment is not made on the day, there will be an additional $5 admin fee
  • Collection costs will be added to overdue accounts.
  • Normal consultations are 15 minutes. If multiple problems or additional time is given then additional charge will apply
  • Full consultation will be charged for the missed appointment or if less than 4 hours’ notice is given

Best Healthcare For Your Family!

We are now enrolling new patients and their families that live locally or nearby. Schedule an appointment with any of our doctors using our online tool or give our friendly administration team a call today.

Family Medicine Birkenhead